Crusader kings 2 update 2.8 beta access code
Crusader kings 2 update 2.8 beta access code

crusader kings 2 update 2.8 beta access code

  • Countries in HRE will only offer Condottieri to neighbors.
  • When determining the degree of deficit spending, AI now considers any debt.
  • AI hopefully doesn't create zero ship trade node mission fleets anymore.
  • AI with high doom will now try to sacrifice their vassals' rulers and heirs.
  • AI armies will no longer attach to supportive subjects' armies (as they're likely to be passive).
  • AI should no longer get stuck in recruit-disband cycles.
  • AI made to consider rebel strength of naval landing site, and will no longer attempt return to base with a smaller force.
  • Fixed case of "Cannot select province X because country Y does not want it" due to overextension of negotiator applying to receiver.
  • AI armies prefer to not go to fortless provinces that will be flipped by enemy forts.
  • AI should no longer as easily rival countries in its own trade league.
  • for allies) when calculating army power (helps against suicidal war declarations).
  • Fixed sneaky bug where tech 4 units would be considered ~100 times as powerful as units at tech 3 (resulting in suicidal war declarations).
  • Fixed AI performing weird building construction at war (again).
  • Added condottieri acceptance penalty against very small armies.
  • Replaced condottieri Unfavorable cost acceptance modifier with a more dynamic modifier directly linked to maintenance multiplier.
  • AI will go a bit easier on guarantees of countries that it wants to conquer or ally.
  • crusader kings 2 update 2.8 beta access code

    Fixed some unlikely reasons for AI getting stuck and never cancelling condottieri.AI should no more be willing to hire condottieri to fight some future rebellion (only serious present rebellions now count).Tweak to gifts/subsidies to reduce long range spam.Military access is no longer extended to provinces with hostile units."Show Strength" peace option will now give 100 monarch points of each type rather than 20.The "Show Strength" peace option now gives the same Power Projection as "Humiliate".Added +ship repair speed to shipyard and grand shipyard.Wargoals for claims are no longer reducing AE.Debates in Parliaments now only finish mid-month if it chance to win is 100 or above.Infiltrate Administration now require Dip tech 30.Agitate for Liberty now require Dip tech 27.Corrupt Officials now require Dip tech 24.Sabotate Reputation now require Dip tech 21.Sow Discontent now require Dip tech 18.Sabotage Recruitment now require Dip tech 15.Slander Mechants now require Dip tech 12.Study Technology now require Dip tech 9.Fabricating Claims now require Dip Tech 0.Reduced impact from religious unity severly on corruption.Influence gained "Establish Cadet Branches", giving +25% heir chance and +0.5 prestige.Spy Ideas gained "Audit Checks", which reduces Corruption by 0.1 Yearly.Spy Ideas gained "Additional Loyalist Recruitment", which reduces LD in subjects by 10.Claim Fabrication got moved from influence to espionage ideas.Added a 'reduced_liberty_desire' modifier that reduces liberty desire in subjects.Espionage ideas no longer unlocks the espionage actions.Reworked the "has powerful allies" acceptance factor, and now penalizes you when having a total alliance strength above five times the average country military strength.Each extra claim on another nation adds 25% cost for new claims fabricated.Fabricating a claim now requires a spy network of at least 20.Spy Discovery Cooldown is now 3 months, instead of 5 years.Culture cost modifiers no longer affect the time for culture conversion.

    Crusader kings 2 update 2.8 beta access code free#

    Rebels that break free now get an alliance and +200 opinion modifier with the (if any) country that supported them.Tengri syncretic religion is now checked when checking for alliance offers.French language in all courts is now +1 diplomatic relations.Culture & Religion changes on colonisation are now possible if all natives are dead, or if non-western.Grant Independence treaty now counts as gaining the whole alliance, rather than just the leader (so allies won't complain for not getting anything).Added -50 bilateral opinion modifier between a country and any country that broke free from it.You now need to have a participation score in a war to gain revanchism for losing it.Added Humiliate Rival Casus Belli which will now always be available towards rival countries, allowing you to humiliate, Show strength, release cores and countries but not directly demand provinces.Sailors are now returned to your sailor pool when upgrading ships.Disbanding fleets now return sailors to your sailor pool (up to max sailors).Added "economy" console command that prints global economy statistics to game.log.Readded Very Easy and Very Hard with bonuses of old.Nation Designer: Added new custom idea "Slave Raiders" that allows you to raid coasts.

    Crusader kings 2 update 2.8 beta access code